– Welcome to our sweet world of Adobe
Baked in flavored licorice, gobbed in gumballs, dripping with swirling syrups, sprinkled in sugar sand and eventually topped with whipped cream, party sprinkles and a cherry, Cris’s super sharp sweet tooth bakes a yummy mix of fun and color into her Creative Cloud feature for Adobe. Teamed with a small fleet of confectioners, Cris’s animated candy factory is one that puts a sprinkle twinkle in any fairy bun buns eye.
Client: Adobe
Group Marketing Manager: Katja Dollinger
Creative Director: Daniel Vargas Diaz
Candy Shop Manager (Producer) - Barbi Mlczoch COSMOPOLA
Pastry Chef & Candy Factory Engineer (Concept, Compositing) - CRIS WIEGANDT
Confectioner (crafts) - CRIS WIEGANDT, Lacy Barry, Ju’un Alibert, Gosia Borowiec, Sakiko Mitsuya
Photography - FRANK GROLL
Retouch - Iara Guedes
All over ADOBE.com! Yeah!