– Two persons, one heart. Two heads, one vision. Opposites yet the same. We warmly welcome ORDERLY CHAOTIC STUDIO !
We are happy to have you on board at COSMOPOLA family!
Orderly Chaotic Studio is the fruit of the combination of Federica & Alexander Roncaldier.
The name of their studio comes from our opposite personalities which fuel their creativity while keeping them balanced.
Chaos creates while order makes it happen.
Together they make fashion, music, commercial videos, short films, moving images and animations.
They are makers. They come up with fresh concepts. They realize them.
They are playful. They love to create a different reality each time.
They care. They are very hands on from the very beginning to the end.
They like to experiment combining different techniques (live action, stop motion animation, 2d animation, photos and digital art) and to build their sets wether out of actual materials or digitally depending on the idea.
All this with lots of love and unique esthetics.
They live and work between Berlin and Milan.
View Orderly Chaotic Studio's Portfolio