– Shiseido, Megan Rapinoe - Power is You!
Photographer: Frauke Fischer c/o Cosmopola
Production : Mitsu Hagiwara @hideokiandco
Imagine a world where everything is digitalised, where physical contact between people is prohibited, but a passion for creation is inevitably pulling them together. Oh, wait! It is the reality we lived in 2020!
Our circumstances might have be difficult, but great things must be created, people must be inspired, and I am extremely proud to be one of the pioneers in this tricky thing called remote shooting!
So, what do you do when a client, a photographer and models are all in different places, even in different time zones? Berlin (Photographer) , Seattle (Talent: Megan Rapinoe), Tokyo (Shiseido & Agency Dentsu) ? You bring almost all of it online, we called it triple remote without compromising any of the 3 C’s, we provided Connection, Communication, Creation!
It was all very exciting, especially for me, and full of success! I am so happy that my idea to shoot remote has worked because initially Frauke wasn’t completely convinced. But the moment we found @en_route_media_inc as our remote technician - life was easy..and together we developed a good efficient remote strategy.
In the end @fraukefischer looked at the images while making the selection and thought they looked exactly as if she took them on location herself! Isn’t that perfect?
The client had a direct look at the images and Frauke was the only one communicating with the talent, she was next to the talent Megan on an iPad!
Remote light setup, remote art direction, photo selection, remote, remote, remote! We did it!
Corona did force us to learn new skills, and we are using them well! It was a great, magical experience! #remoteshooting - yes we can! #wepioneers #photographershootingfromhome
Thank you everyone !
View Frauke Fischer's Portfolio