I interpreted the series Icons into tableaus featuring faceless people in calm
and subdued settings. I emphasized one of the seven deadly sins, gluttony, in scenes depicting a lack of freedom, confinement, and the road one must follow to become an icon.
The bags over the models’ heads represent sarcophaguses. These women are dead and only exist as icons. A beautiful, well-dressed woman inhabiting beautiful places has lost her identity through the role prescribed to her. She does not speak. She has never questioned the things she has learned.
Will she ever be able to tear off the bag that holds her prisoner and denies her freedom?
To come out of the darkness and into the light?
Will she ever gain the freedom to think for herself, to compare, and to be confronted with ideas? Will she ever be able to put forth her own truth? Religion (not spirituality), social class, and politics put us into boxes. We all know people lacking of individuality, who are imprisoned in their sarcophaguses.
View Marc Thirouin's Portfolio